Thursday, October 12, 2017

                         Six Rules to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you. 
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
This is the number 1 rule on how to make people like you . Becoming genuinely interested in other people is one big step because it demonstrate that you care for other people . If people see that you care for them they would most likely like you as a person because we need people to talk to about what is going on with our life . Another way you can be genuinely interested in people can be by asking how was there day and by being friendly with them . If you want people to like you , you have to show a good first expression .                                   
                                                                               Rule 2 : Smile
Rule number 2 on how to make people like you is by smiling , a smile can mean so many things like for example it can mean that you like that person as a friend and you are glad to see them . It is always important to slime because it is like a first impression to a person . It is important to smile every time enter someones house because it creates happiness in the home . A smile can lift a bad mood , by this i mean that if a person is not in a mood a smile can actually make that persons day .Just the simple act of putting a smile on your face can lead you to feel actual happiness, joy, or amusement and nothing you wear is more important than your smile .

                                                                               Rule 3 : Remember Names
Remembering someones name can be a way to make people like you because it would be a nice thing for someone to know that you took time to remember there name . Like for example if a new student came to your school and that student did not know anyone in the school he would feel left out . A way to make that student not feel like that anymore can be by remembering there name . This is also important because we feel more valued and respected when someone remembers our name .
Rule 4 : Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Being a good listener is another way you can make people like you ,  If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. Listening skills are an important part of effective communication . A good listener is attentive. They make good eye contact, don't interrupt what the other person is saying and show an interest in what is being communicated.   A good listener does not check their phone or tablet in the middle of a conversation, when someone is sharing with them.
Being a good listener is more than just allowing the other person to speak and you being nearby. You have to take in what the person is saying and sometimes go deeper . A way to become a better listener by keeping in mind that listening is a win , tell yourself that you'll tell someone else about this convertaion later and by keep eye contact .
Rule 5 : Talk In terms of the other man's interest 
Rule number five is talk in terms of the other man's interest , a example of this is " The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most " . This means to talk about thing that a person is interested in . A example I can give of this is if a person like basketball and is in to basketball you can talk to them about basketball , this is important because this is a way you can communicate with that person . If both of you guys have something in common then you can talk about the things you guys like , this can cause a better friendship and can lead the light up the future . 
Rule 6 : Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely. 
 What this rule means is that a way to make people like you is by making the other person feel important while doing it sincerely . A example is " The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic." A few other ways you can make others feel important is by  Showing  your appreciation for others. When you appreciate another person for anything that he or she has done or said, they will like themselves and you more as well. When you appreciate another person for anything that he or she has done or said, they will like themselves and you more as well. The simplest way to express appreciation is to simply say, “Thank you” for an idea, some good feedback, time spent together, or an order. Be agreeable. The most welcomed people in every situation are those who are generally agreeable and positive with others. Entrepreneurs who like to be argumentative, complaining, or disagreeable, will have a hard time closing a contract, investment, or a customer contract. Show your admiration. People invest a lot of personal emotion in their possessions, traits, and accomplishments. When you admire something belonging to another person, it makes him feel happy about himself. Everyone has positives, and it’s up to you to find them. In turn, these positives will be reflected back on you. Pay attention to others. The most powerful way to pay attention to someone is to listen attentively first, even ask questions, before you launch into a monologue answering every question they might never ask. Believe it or not, before you even say a word, you will become a more interesting and intelligent person in their eyes. Never criticize, condemn, or complain. In business as well as personal relationships, the most harmful force of all is destructive criticism. It lowers a person’s self-esteem, makes him feel angry and defensive, and causes him to dislike you. If your target is someone not present, it still causes a loss of trust in you, since your listener could be the next target. Be courteous, concerned, and considerate of everyone you meet. When you treat a person with courtesy and respect, they will value and respect you more. By being concerned, you connect with their emotions. Consideration is the discipline to do and say things to people that are important to them.

Reflection : 

The six rules to make people like you are straight forward , by this I mean that they are common sense . My favorite quotes from these 6 rules is rule number 5 because it connects the people together and develop a special bond . It also brings the two persons together because they can relate to something they have in common . I strongly agree with these 6 rules of how to make a person like you , i feel like if i can relate to these rules because i follow every single one . I go by all these rules 

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