Monday, September 11, 2017

        The 9 Ways to be Happy and Make something of your life . 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1 . Be Grateful
  A way to be happy is by being thankful , what this means is by apprenticing what people do for you . A example of this is by saying thank you to your parents for buying you the things you need because theirs some people who need some materials but  unfortunately they don't have enough and cant get those things they need . Another example of something you should be thankful is your teachers . Why should you be thankful for your teachers ? Well first you should be thankful for the thing they do for you because with out them we wouldn't achieve the standards we need to achieve . Teaching is a big part of life because this is a way how we learn and develop new ways to do things . Being thankful is the best thing you can ever do , there is even a holiday for being thankful witch is Thanksgiving . Thanksgiving is a special holiday because that is when you have time to be with your family and thank them for all the things they have done for you . This holiday come around every once a year but I believe you should always be thankful all the time not only once a year . There is a quote that stays " i woke up , I have clothes , i have running water , i have food to eat , life is good , I'm thankful '' .
This means that the person who wrote this is thankful for the stuff he or she has because some people have it worse . Some people don't even have clean water to drink or to shower , others don't even have clothes or what not . You should be thankful for all the things you have and always keep in mind that not matter what there is always someone who has it even worst than you .

                                                           2 . Be Smart
Another way to be happy and to make something of your life is by being smart , this means to educate yourself , there are many ways you can be smart  . With a education you can travel far in life , a way of being smart is knowing the differences between right and wrong . In life most of us have done dumb decisions but we learn from the mistake and we learn from them so we won't do it again . Being smart can teach us how to read and become more successful in life , we can learn new things as we grow . Also , with a good education and the right requirements you can get a better job and teach other people so they can learn new things they did not know . A benefit you get for being smart is that you will have better conversational skills witch this matters because you will be able to talk to more people .

3 . Be involve
A way to be happy and make something of your life is by being involved . You can get involved with a lot of things , like for example you can get involved with your community by cleaning up but not only that , there are many ways you can get involved around your community . Being involved in your community is actually a good thing because you can know what evolves around you . For example if something bad happens you can stand up for your community and make it a better place , you can also start something new so it can better you community . You can also get involved at school like by joining a club . Being involved at school can make your life way much easier because if you are having trouble with something you know the exact people you should go to . This can also look good when you apply for college because colleges are looking for students that go beyond the expectations .
4 . Be Clean
Being clean is another way to be happy and make something of your life . What does being clean mean? Being clean is important because when you go to a job interview you will have to wear clean proper clothes and you will have to look professional . No one will hire a smelling person who isn't professional , if they do this will make the company look bad and he will lose clients witch will lead to losing business and making less money .  Being clean means keeping our body , mind , and everything around us clean . We can also keep our community everything around us clean by helping ans picking up the trash . You can also be clean by keeping your record clean , staying out of trouble . This is important because when you apply to a job they might check your record and if you have a bad record then it might cause you the job and the opportunity to do something in your life .
5 . Be True
Another way to be happy is to be True , you can be true to yourself . Why is being true important ? Well being true is important because this defines you and you can be more open with others . A way to be true is by being honest , you can be honest with yourself and others . A example of being true is by staying loyal to your word . You can also be true by never telling a lie because as soon as you say one lie then this will lead to another lie .

6 . Be positive
Being positive means that you are truthful in everything and that you admit to your actions , even if you are in trouble . A way of not being positive is by denying you did something wrong when you really did it . Another example of being positive is having a positive attitude , this means to be truth to yourself . Having a positive attitude is a good thing because this means you can hang out with more people and have a good friendship with them and if you do not have a positive attitude people will try to avoid you because it is negative . A example of being negative is by telling a friend that they can not do it and bringing them down for no reason . A example of a positive attitude is helping your friend out or telling them they can do it and they will do it .
                                                                         7 . Be Humble

    A way to be happy is by being humble . What does this mean? Well a example of being humble is , Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself. It also means not drawing attention to yourself, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right. Being humble to me means to be truth to yourself and if you have a goal then you need to strive for it and achieve it no matter what . A few examples on how can you be humble are by being considerate in conversations , admitting you mistakes , not being afraid to make mistakes , be grateful for what you have , recognize your own faults avoid bragging , and by appreciating the talents and qualities of others . A Humble person is a happy person , they can take joy in their life and what God has called them to do regardless of what the world thinks about it . 
    8 . Be Still
    Another example of ways to be happy is to be still , to be honest I do not actually know what this means but I believe this has a connection with being patience . Being still probably means that you know how to be respectful. The definition of still is when you don't move or make a sound. But in this case I think that its trying to emphasize on how you should be honest and do less lying, well actually not lie at all because it doesn't bring you any good actions. We need to learn how to be still if we want to be successful. To be still may also mean that you create a state of conscious that is open and  receptive ( your willing to consider new ideas). I will apply this new way into my life because I'm going to learn how to become a better person so that I can achieve my goals and be successful in the future. An example of this new way would be your in your classroom and the teacher says your going to take a test, what should you do. I think that you should be still meaning that you shouldn't talk to your peers around you for answers or help. The quote at the left side tells you that you will have wisdom if you first learn how to be still. It turns out that being still actually helps you out, you may not see it yet but once you get older you will.
    9 . Be Prayerful 
    My final thoughts about the nine ways are that we should use them in life because they will make us happy and successful. The nine ways make you happy because you are involved in them, you determine whether you want to follow them or not. But to live happy you should try it. Most of the nine ways play a role in your life at a certain point. We can be successful as well if we follow the nine ways because they bring out the best of you, even if you may not see it. Some things that I commit to the nine ways is that I will try to use them all in my daily life because I want to be happy like others and successful as well. Everyone has the capability to do at least one of the nine ways and apply them to their life. We should encourage others so that they can live a happy and healthy life. I believe that all the nine ways are actually a good thing to know about because they can help you out in life when you need it. Instead of being grumpy and mad it will bring you success and happiness. Another thing is that by applying the nine ways into your life, you're also choosing the right.

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