Pyramid of Success
The Pyramid of Success
John Wooden
John Wooden
Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
The first block to John
Wooden Pyramid of Success is Industriousness. Industriousness means to be
actively engaged or occupied , to be industrious you need to be a hard working,
energetically and devotedly person. An example of a Industriousness person can
be a high school student who is working hard to get into college and become
successful in life. Getting straight As is hard work because you have to focus
and study every day and night , getting good grades is very hard because you
can not slack of.
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
Block two to
the pyramid of success is Enthusiasm, this means to be intense in enjoyment. An
employee with enthusiasm comes across as someone who wants to be at work and
who is willing to do what it takes to get the job done. The activities in this
section seeks to teach participants about the important of enthusiasm and a
positive attitude in the work place. You have to have a passion for what you
are doing if you want to build enthusiasm for it. You need to be excited about
it as you wake up in the morning and as you go to bed at night. This passion is
what will keep your enthusiasm high, even during rough patches, which we all go
through. Simply put, love what you do and enthusiasm will follow. One of the
ways that I build my enthusiasm with my work and my business is that I always
remind myself everything that it has given me. I express gratitude for all that
I have and this helps me become even more excited about what I’m doing. As we
go through the daily grind, it is very easy to forget about all the little
things that make our life easier and comfortable. Remember all the good things
that you have going on in your life and be grateful for being who you are
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and
to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance; the quality of being loyal to someone or something. For example, lets say you're in
a relationship , you have to be loyal to your partner as in being faithful to
ones obligations. You can also be loyal to yourself by being true with others
and stay committed. Someone who is loyal is trustworthy is worth keeping and
you can be sure that this person will be there for you anytime, anywhere. Also
someone who is loyal has a strong positive strong emotion in regard of others.
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your
self-respect." You have to be loyal in life because it will take you to
great places. For example in a job no one wants to hire someone untrustworthy.
They want someone who can do the job and keep things confidential.
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels
of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding
the best way, not in having your own way. "
I agree with this quote about cooperation by John Wooden. Although you may not always agree with another persons thoughts/ideas, you should still be an active listener. If the tables were turned, you as well would want people to listen to your ideas. Cooperation means that both sides put in the equal amount of time and effort. Cooperation also means having an equal understanding of consensus on both sides. You need to be able to come to an agreement after all in order to cooperate with someone. Also, you should keep in mind that you are trying to find the best way of doing something, not just your way. It can be that the best way can be a mixture of everyone's ideas. You should not have a mindset and be stubborn that it has to be your way or not at all. We should not judge people based on looks because everyone has something different to bring to the table. For example, some people may have connections or resources needed to complete a specific task. In order to cooperate, you just need to have to be open minded and willing to put in your part.
Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
Self-control separates us from our ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom, thanks to our large prefrontal cortex. It is the ability to subdue our impulses in order to achieve longer-term goals. Rather than responding to immediate impulses, we can plan, evaluate alternative actions, and, often enough, avoid doing things we'll later regret. The ability to exert self-control is typically called willpower. It is what allows us to direct our attention, and it underlies all kinds of achievement. There is significant debate in science as to whether or not willpower is a finite resource. Studies demonstrate that exercising willpower makes heavy demands on mental energy, notably on reserves of glucose, the brain's preferred fuel, creating ego depletion. It's one reason we're more apt to reach for that chocolate chip cookie when we're feeling stressed than when we're feeling on top of the world. Recently, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion, and more research is underway. Many say that the first step to leadership is self-leadership. The ability to discipline yourself is important in achieving any goal. Whether a New Year’s resolution or a business goal, I am inspired by these quotes on the subject. Mastering yourself is one of the hardest things to do.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
Block 8 talks about alertness which means the quality of being alert. But in this case it's telling you how to be open-minded, observe, and learn. You should be able to stay alert and achieve great things in life if you are constantly trying to do your best even when it gets rough. An example of alertness would be when you are trying to learn new things and you may think, why even try, but you need to remember to always have faith in yourself and be open minded. The quote explains how you should constantly be aware and seek not only to improve yourself but the team as well. I can apply this block into my daily life by taking opportunities and being eager to learn something new everyday as I come to school. Being alert includes the function of your brain and how you treat it. What this Block 8 means is that you should always be observing everything that goes on around you. You should always stay open-minded about different things/ideas. It is always a good thing to be eager to learn about different things to ultimately improve yourself.If you take on an eager attitude for things you do in life, you cannot go wrong. Learning new things can be exciting and it can also be intriguing to know about things you did not know before. You should always observe those things around you because you never know when something can happen. You should always be aware of your surroundings and also of opportunities that can be given to you. If you have an open mind, you will be able to achieve many things in life.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
This quote means is to be able to make decisions for
yourself without having to depend on others. Not everyone is in the same
situation as you, so sometimes you have to make decisions based on what's best
for you. You should be able to take initiative and take the lead when there is
no one else there to do it. You shouldn't be afraid to fail because in order to
really succeed, you need to fall a couple times and pick yourself up. It is
always a great help to have support from others, but unfortunately you will not
always have people around you. In this case, you will need to step up and take
the lead in order to make a decision that you will not regret. "Act like
others, but think like yourself." You can act like the people around you,
but it is important that for some things you have your own mindset and ways of
thinking about things. When you fail, the failure doesn't live on forever, soon
you will get over it and move on. Then you will try again to succeed because
you really want to be successful in life. It also means the ability to assess
and initiate things independently.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)
Block 11 from John Wooden “ The Pyramid of Success ”
is sincerity , sincerity means the quality of being free from pretense, deceit,
or hypocrisy. Sincerity is the quality or state of being sincere; honesty and
truthfully. If you are sincerity with your friends people will trust you, sincerity
is really important in life because it shows your character and the type of
person you are. Being sincere is an
important because it also makes you be more believable to people. Most of the
time, you can tell straight out when someone is giving sincere thanks or
meaning it in a fake way. A person who means what she/he says is a sincere
person. When someone doesn't mean what she/he says, then that person may be a
hypocrite .Sincerity should also be rational and intelligent and not foolish.
It is not enough to be sincere, you must also be right. People will always want
to be around you if you are sincere because it shows that you are trustworthy.
When we have a genuine mindset of expressing what we feel, we learn a lot about
ourselves as people. If we become truthful of ourselves and accept that we are
not perfect, it allows room to grow and to improve. You should be honest and
make the right decisions that will lead and guide you to a path of success that
you can apply towards your life.
Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)
Adaptability is being able to adjust to new conditions
wherever you go. In order to adapt, you need to have an open mind towards
change. To adapt is to grow and change, and in order to do so you have to let
go of what you think is "right" or "wrong." You have to be
able to adjust to new thoughts and ideas that may not seem familiar to you.
Another great quality of being an adaptable person, is not whining about a
situation you cant change. An adaptable person will accept the situation for
what it is and move on. Being an adaptable person also means that they will
forego the old in order to adapt to something new. They’re not a victim to
external influences because they’re proactive. An example of this can be shown
through getting a new job. It may not be easy at first, but you have to learn
to adapt to the new environment.
Having skills is a very important role in life, I Believe we all have a certain skill in life. Some of develop different skills in different ways. I can say that I'm very skill full in math, Spanish, basketball, and in counting money or being involve with money. There are many ways you can apply skills to your life , you can be have labor skills , life skills, people skills, social skills, soft skills, hard skills, and communication skills. Being able to have a skill is having the ability to carry out a task with determined results often within a given amount of time, energy or both. A very important skills we can apply to our lives is communication skills. Having the ability to learn new languages so we can be able to communicate with other around the world is the best skill we can develop.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
I believe what this block is trying to say is to take care
of yourself in all aspects. Make sure you are well rested and eat healthy for
the physical component. Then for the mental component, you should take care of
your mind by not over stressing and meditating. You should take care of your
overall condition because it may affect you in the future. You should have a
strong mentality that makes you always Choose the Right 24/7. You must be in physical
condition, but also have mental and moral condition. Weak mental or moral
condition precludes top physical Condition.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Block 16: Honesty (in
thought and action)
"Honesty is the
best policy." (Ben Franklin)
Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."![](
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
"The Carolina Way"
When you stop engaging in the present moment and begin to think about how you look, sound, feel, smell, etc., you’re creating an immediate disconnect. Whether you’re disconnecting from a conversation or general experience, the effect is the same: You immediately lose confidence .This loss of confidence creates an energetic wave that is felt by everyone in the same room, interacting with you or listening to you speak .It took me some time to understand this concept myself, but it’s amazing how someone else’s perception of and connection to you can change the instant that you disengage with the present moment and go into your head. It makes it harder for them to connect to your message or to you, leaving them uncertain and uninterested.
Reliability means to be reliable, able to be trusted with. A few example of this is by keeping your promises and being proactive with what ever you do. Another example of being reliable is by keeping you word with what ever you say and not surprising other by doing the wrong thing. You have to get the job done even if it means being a willing collaborator. If you say something make sure to keep you word and stay true to what you say. Your past might be spotted but your future is spotless, you can become reliable by choosing the right and do right thing when is needed.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
This block talks about competitive greatness and an example that was given was that you should be at your best when your best is needed. Like whenever you are taking a test, you need to give it your best so you can pass what ever it is. It is an enjoyment of a difficult time because when you try your best you are more likely to pass the exam and you will have joy for overcoming it. I, myself, can be called a competitive Greatness because I do try my best when it is needed and i enjoy the outcome because even though its hard i still try my best and succeed on what ever i put my mind. We are greatness waiting to happen just like how Mr C says it. Another example that can relate to this topic is a doctor, a doctor needs to be fully aware on what he is doing and still needs to try his best because this is when his best is need.
Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
Block 25 is patience, everything takes time no matter what, and if you rush anything it wont come out as great as if you would have taken your time. If you want to become a doctor you will need to cover a lot of classes and you will need patience because becoming a doctor isn't a over night thing. You will have to work as hard as you can for a long period of time and it will be all worth it at the very end. " The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. " this means that patience and time are two major factors that we can learn in life because with time and patience the right thing can happen. This quote is important because we will have to learn how to be patience in life no matter what. If we rush something , something bad might happen like for example if we are rushing our way home and pass the speed limit we might end up in a car crash or get pulled over for speeding. So, it is very important that we take our time so we wont make any mistakes.
What I learn from the Pyramid Of Success by John Wooden is that there are a lot of thing I need to apply into my life. We analyze and explain the 25 blocks that he had and from every bock I learned a few things. I learned that you need to be a hard working, energetically and devotedly person. Having loyalty was one block that i can relate to because having loyalty means to keep your word to yourself and to all those depending upon you. Another block that i can apply to my life is confidence, having confidence is really important because this can help you achieve your goal. Like for example if you have confidence in yourself when you are taking a test you will feel good about the answers you are writing down and you will do good on the test. I can relate to this because when I have confidence in your shot in basketball it helps me improve my percentage. Resourcefulness is another great block that is important because you have to make the most out of what you have to achieve your goal.
What I learn from the Pyramid Of Success by John Wooden is that there are a lot of thing I need to apply into my life. We analyze and explain the 25 blocks that he had and from every bock I learned a few things. I learned that you need to be a hard working, energetically and devotedly person. Having loyalty was one block that i can relate to because having loyalty means to keep your word to yourself and to all those depending upon you. Another block that i can apply to my life is confidence, having confidence is really important because this can help you achieve your goal. Like for example if you have confidence in yourself when you are taking a test you will feel good about the answers you are writing down and you will do good on the test. I can relate to this because when I have confidence in your shot in basketball it helps me improve my percentage. Resourcefulness is another great block that is important because you have to make the most out of what you have to achieve your goal.