Thursday, June 7, 2018

                                      Class Evaluation 

Things that I liked about this class is that we analyzed a lot of important keys and block that we applied in our life. Throughout this school year we reflected on John Wooden Pyramid of Success and we went through 25 blocks, each block provided an example on how to become a better person. For example we learn about faith and how it is important to have faith because is trust, assurance and confidence in God. Another thing I liked about this class is that we identified a few resources that we have which can help us improve in life. We also learn 10 tips for being more truthful, these 10 tips are important because telling the truth is the right thing to do. Overall I liked everything we have done in this class because it made me realize a few thing that I have to improve something in my life so I can become a successful person. 

There is nothing that I didn't like about this class, I enjoyed every minute in this class. By far this was one of my favorite classes because I learn a lot of ways to become a succesful person and be above the line. In this class I learn keys that can be applied in my life in the long run, no matter what path i chose in life I'll be able to use the things I learned in this class into my life. 

There is no recommendations for improving this class. This class is great overall. 

I'm reading and writing in my Life Planning Goals Journal at least 5 minutes everyday because this helps me remind myself what I want in life. 

Yes, I'm committed to being a CTR person 24/7 because doing the right thing will take you to the right place in life. 

I learn that being a Truthful person and a Honest person can help you in life because this is what people look for in a person. If you are a CTR person there will be many doors open for you because people will be able to depend on you and they will trust you. 

I will always remember when Mr. Haymore used to say " Jerry number 11, Pyramid of Success " when I use to be off task. Also, when you see him outside he will point to the right which means CHOSE THE RIGHT. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What are a few note-taking software application ? 

Some few note taking software that are currently available   

  1.  Evernote 
  2. Microsoft OneNote 
  3. Bear for Mac
  4. Simplenote 
  5. Zoho Notebook 
  6. Google Keep 
  7. Notes ( Iphone ) 
  8. NotePad 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner
Quality 1:  Positive Self-Expectancy 
"Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."  

This will talk about positive self-expectancy, which is one of the 10 qualities of a Total Winner by Denis Waitley. One should have faith in themselves because it only brings greater joy toward humanity, life is full of opportunities, so if you don't win there will always be a second chance and more. As people, we are expected to do our very best. The quote explains how humans aren't able to control every situation and outcome they confront because it's impossible to determine whether it will be good or not. But one thing you may be able to control is your attitude and how you deal with it. Those who are worthy will always come out as winners and never have a doubt on their ability. Ways to apply this quality into my life is by thinking positive, having joy, and lastly never have doubt about my abilities. In our lives, having a mind set of expecting to win increases our odds of winning. It helps us get better results and better results help us increase our credibility and self confidence, which leads to more positive self expectancy, and more winning and the upward cycle continues. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. 
Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation 
"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."

Positive Self Motivation is when you dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that task or to learn a new skill. A way a student can apply Positive Self Motivation is when they learn a new subject or take a new lesson. If you are very interested in something you will dig in deep and find motivation to achieve you goal. It is important to have Self Motivation because the key word is SELF, this means that you are the only one that is able to motivate you. If you put your mind to it and motivate yourself, you will achieve your goal. No matter if the task if hard, you can take  it day by day.. one step at a time as long as you have self motivation. This is how you will develop and apply self motivation to your life.In the long term having self motivation can help you because whenever you face a hard task you will know what to do to achieve it. You will be able to do it without influenced from other people or situations. Never give up, people with self motivation will find a reason and strength to complete a task no matter how difficult it can be they will not give up because they believe in themselves. 


Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.

Quality 3 will talk about positive self image, I thinks positive self image is how you make yourself look in different perspective. A strong positive self image is the best possible preparation for success in life. To establish self image we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and negatives in our lives. The past is not simply the past, but a prism through which the subject filters his own self-image. Having this is accepting what occurs and letting go what was, believe in what will be. 

Quality 4Positive Self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.

Positive Self direction is every decision necessary to reach a particular goal is made by your self-motivated system. Positive self-direction means knowing where you are going and choosing the right path. This system constantly monitors self-talk and environmental feedback about the goal and adjust self-image setting in its subconscious robot achievement mechanism. We all have the potential and opportunity for success in life, it takes just as much energy and effort to fail as does to succeed and live the good life. Positive-Self direction is YOU choosing on what to do, on where to go in life. Positive Self-Direction is the action plan that all winners in life use to turn imagination into reality, fantasy into facts, and dreams into actual goal. 

Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.

Positive Self-Control is having control on what you do and what you say. Having self-control is really important because if you don’t you have self control, you might get yourself in big trouble. It is important to have self control at work because you have task you have to finish before your off, this means you can’t fool or mess around. Self-Control is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses and example of this is when your friends are messing around in class and you want to join them, a way to have self-control is by deciding on doing the right thing and doing your work. Applying self-control to your life can really help you with many opportunities you might have because a lot of people look at the fact if you have self-control. 

Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline

You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.

Self-Discipline is important because it means having self control, this is a sign of inner strength and control of your actions and reactions. It is important to have self control because you have the ability to react how ever you want in a serious situation. You also have control on what you do and what you say. Self discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through with out changing your mind. Self-Discipline and Self-Control is having control over yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do. 

Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.

Self-esteem is shaped by your thoughts, relationships and experiences. Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself how you feel about your abilities and limitations. When you have healthy self-esteem, you feel good about yourself and see yourself as deserving the respect of others. The benefits of a healthy self-esteem are many. Children who have high self-esteem come to value themselves and think of themselves as worthy partners and capable problem solvers. They develop a healthy balance of liking who they are, but also recognizing that there are ways they can continue to grow and to develop. Self-esteem is like that, except it is yourself that you love, care for and feel proud of. When children believe they are valuable and important, they take good care of themselves. They make good decisions about themselves which enhance their value rather than break it down. High vs. Low Self-esteem. 

Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.

Positive Self-Dimension is living in the present , they get what needs to be done and don’t get caught up in any work they have or had to do. An example of a Self-Dimension can be a CTR person, Choosing the right at all times is important because you will not fall behind and they get business done. 

Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.

Self Awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self Awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment. Self awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements. Self-Awareness is the thinking skill that focuses on a child's ability to accurately judge their own performance and behavior and to respond appropriately to different social situations. Self-Awareness helps an individual to tune into their feelings, as well as to the behaviors and feelings of others. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Barbara A. Lewis
The Ten Tips
Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Tell someone about your commitment.
Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
Don't indulge in little white lies.
Watch out for silent lies.
When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Talk to yourself.
Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

These ten tips help us become a more truthful person because it breaks down and analyzes 10 ways on how we can improve. This post describes how you should make a commitment about telling the truth and to think before say something. It also talks about how you should be careful on how you use sarcasm or irony. This is important because there is a time and place for all this and if you get use to using sarcasm mostly all the time you can probably say it in the wrong time. Another example given above is to tell the full truth and not to work your way around lies, make sure you dont leave anything out. Whenever you tell yourself the truth make sure you treat yourself, and if you ever catch yourself lying make sure you admit it and say the truth. Telling the truth is a CTR person because you are being honest. Honestly is very important, as we learned in the The Pyramid Of Success, because if you are a dishonest person no one will ever have trust in you. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Power of Resources - Jennifer Witterick 

What i learn from the video was that if you use what you have and apply it to your life you will go far in life. Like the example she use where the chick that was help cracked from the egg lived a shorter life compare to the other chicks that struggled to crack there way out. This means that if you do it yourself you will go far in life and you wont have to depend on resources that other offers. The other example she used was when a country had many resources and she compared it to a country that had no resources but the country that had no resources had more benefits , the reason why was because the power of resources is so powerful. 

A few resources with in me include - 
  • confidence 
  • independent 
  • honesty 
  • loyalty 
  • self motivation 
  • awareness 
  • gratefulness 
  • time management
  • self control
  • willing collaborator 
  • effective communicator 
  • active citizen 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Bill Gates

Bill gates was born on October 28, 1955 , he is currently 62 years old and he is worth closely to 91 Billion dollars. He makes roughly about $114.16 per second as he lives. He is currently the second richest man on earth, he was born in Seattle. Bill Gates is an entrepreneur , he founded the world’s largest software business. He attended Lakeside School which is a private preparatory school

                                      Class Evaluation  Things that I liked about this class is that we analyzed a lot of important keys ...